Ann Arbor Spousal Support Attorneys

Experienced Spousal Support/Alimony Lawyer and Mediator

Ann Arbor Family Law Mediator and Divorce Attorney Wendy Alton can help you understand all the determining factors in spousal support awards, as well as represent you in negotiations, court or mediation.

What Is Spousal Support?

Formerly called alimony, spousal support is financial assistance that one ex-spouse pays to the other after marital separation or divorce. Spousal support recognizes a partner’s contribution to the marriage and helps ensure the divorce will not financially ruin either party.

How Is Spousal Support Calculated?

Unlike child support, there are no hard and fast rules or formulas for determining spousal support. It is more nuanced. Wendy Alton does, however, look at statutory guidelines as she considers each case individually. She also uses the same software that other attorneys and courts in Washtenaw County use to calculate spousal support recommendations.

Who Qualifies for Spousal Support?

Spousal support is based on more than just a difference in income between spouses. Income is only one of several factors the court reviews while deciding whether it will award spousal support. Other factors include:

  • Past relations and conduct of both parties
  • Length of marriage
  • Each party’s ability to work
  • Source and amount of assets awarded through marital property division, and the income-earning potential of those assets
  • Each party’s age, health, and needs
  • Ability to pay spousal support
  • Present situation of each party, including earning potential and career prospects
  • The couple’s prior standard of living
  • Whether either party must support other people, including minor children
  • Each party’s contribution to the joint marital estate
  • Effect of cohabitation on a party’s financial status
  • Fault in causing the divorce
  • General principles of equity and fairness

Spousal Support Can Change

A change in circumstances for either spouse may cause a modification or termination of spousal support. For instance, remarriage. While not an automatic termination, remarriage is a change in circumstances that authorizes the court to potentially end support. The same is true if you agree in your divorce judgment that spousal support will end when the person receiving support remarries.

Experienced Ann Arbor Spousal Support Lawyer and Mediator

With so many variables, it can be hard to understand your rights when it comes to spousal support. For instance, should the spousal support be for a set term, set amount, waived or modifiable? Family Law Attorney Wendy Alton can educate you on all your options so you can make informed decisions.

Creative and Fair Solutions for Spousal Support

Whether acting as an attorney or mediator, Wendy Alton can guide you toward creative solutions that are fair to both parties. For example, you may decide to give more property to one party and waive spousal support if they do not need monthly income. Sometimes deciding not to pursue spousal support gives couples more closure.

Contact Our Spousal Support Attorneys in Ann Arbor

If you are wondering about spousal support or modifications, please call 734-673-3567 or contact Wendy online. Each case is different, so it helps to discuss your spousal support concerns directly with Ann Arbor Divorce Lawyer Wendy Alton in a confidential, no-cost consultation.